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3x Golf Lessons (Studio)

3x 45min Lesson with Danny in his Golf Studio.

  • 45 min
  • 220 Australian dollars
  • Windaroo

Service Description

A 1-1 Lesson in Danny's Custom Built Golf Studio. Players will be in an air conditioned environment where Danny has access to the latest software. Through GC Quad, FSX and Swing Catalyst, you're going to leave no stone unturned in this lesson.

Cancellation Policy

3 LESSON PACKAGE DEALS: Please book the 1st Lesson online, then lessons 2 and 3 can be booked via text or email to Danny. I understand that life happens and last-minute cancellations can't always be avoided, but please know that I cannot accept repeat late notice cancellations from students. Please advice as soon as is possible should you need to cancel within the last 24hrs.

Contact Details

  • Windaroo QLD, Australia

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